Your Sudoku Program?

You like sudoku?

If so then read on:

Would you like to play sudoku on your computer?

Would you like the program to make new sudoku puzzles for you?

Would you like to determine the difficulty of the sudoku puzzles?

Would you like the program giving you sudoku tips and hints along the way?

Would you like the program to be a friendly sudoku helper teaching you the sudoku tricks?

Would you like the sudoku program to improve your sudoku skills?

If you answer YES to all, then look closer at the

Sudoku Instructions Program.

This sudoku program has a user-friendly playing board with a clear marking of

Placing digits is easy:

Look closely at row 4:

Digit 1 can only be in square D4. (For row 4 there is a 1 in all columns except column 4.)

You click on that square and a popup window appears:  —>

Now it is very easy to enter 1 in square D4. You just click 1 in the popup window.

The result is shown here:

Digit 1 is placed in square D4 (green digit).

The Sudoku Instructions program can make new easy and diffcult sudoku puzzles:  —>

You determine how easy or difficult the sudoku puzzle should be (beginner, very easy, easy, medium, difficult, more difficult, very difficult, extremely difficult).

This sudoku game for beginners is simple:

Such an easy sudoku puzzle would be ideal to show how to play sudoku for beginners.

It could also be used to learn kids sudoku.

And here is an extremely difficult or hard sudoku:

The Sudoku Instructions program makes the puzzles immediately.

New sudoku puzzles are made each time; previously presented sudoku puzzles are never repeated.

Sudoku Instructions can give you sudoku tips or hints:  —>

Look at this puzzle:  —>

You may not know where to put a digit.

You can then ask the program for a sudoku hint.

If you click sudoku Hint 1, you get this information from the program: —>

A square has a single candidate if only one digit can be placed in it.

In fact the secret of the sudoku game is to find squares with single candidates.

If in row 5 you cannot yet locate the square in question, you can click Hint 2: —>

With this hint you may figure out which digit should be in square G5.

If you still need some help you can ask the sudoku program to find the single candidate digit: —>

Then the program will give you this information: —>

When you enter digit 2 in square G5, the playing board looks like this: —>

You can continue solving the sudoku puzzle and obtain help from the program at any stage.

With or without the assistance of the sudoku program you will obtain this final solution: —>

The Playing Board of the Sudoku Program Sudoku playing board with placed digit Input of digits in sudoku program Beginner Sudoku or Kids Sudoku Extremely difficult sudoku puzzle Sudoku Hints in Sudoku Program Easy sudoku puzzle First Hint in Sudoku Program Second Hint in Sudoku Program Find single candidate in Sudoku Program Information on single candidate given by Sudoku Program Sudoku with placed single candidate digit Final solution of sudoku puzzle

The Sudoku Instructions Program is indeed a friendly sudoku helper and instructor, which will help improve your sudoku skills.

The sudoku program has many more useful features. To explore these I recommend you to go directly to the Sudoku Instructions home page.

Best of luck with Sudoku!

© The Download Sudoku Program Team

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